A Amnistia Internacional congratula-se com a decisão do adiamento da execução de Delara Darabi, a iraniana de 22 anos condenada à pena de morte. No entanto, Delara ainda pode ser executada caso a família da vítima não concorde em substituir a pena de morte por uma indemnização.
Como tal, a Amnistia Internacional pede que subscrevam o apelo sobre o caso de Delara Darabi, de forma a travar a sua execução.
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Email: info@dadiran.irEste endereço de email está protegido contra spam bots, pelo que o Javascript terá de estar activado para poder visualizar o endereço de email |
Assunto: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi |
Your Excellency, I welcome the stay of execution for Delara Darabi, a juvenile offender, but I urge the authorities to commute her death sentence, as she is facing execution for a crime committed when she was under 18. Indeed, governments have the right and responsibility to bring to justice those suspected of criminal offences in proceedings that meet international standards for fair trial and the Convention of the Rights of the Child, but no one should be executed for crimes committed when under 18. I also call on the authorities to pass, as a matter of urgency, legislation abolishing the death penalty for all offences committed by those under 18, in accordance with Iran’s obligations as a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Sincerely, |